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.Rotten Meat grinding .


.Rotten Meat grinding . 

Full punishment of sin in sin _
Humans caught in disobedience _
Forgiveness of the unforgivable sinner _
Accursed life far from forgiveness _
Living with sin, the vice _
Sports entangled barbarous brain _

Dead to sin, the vice _
Bodies entangled savage skull _
From other natural gods punish _
Without forgiveness without help _
Sinful man, in front of his god like rotten meat _
And gods grind the meat was rotten _ 
Rotten meat grind _ 
stained human _ 
Rotten meat grind _ 
Sinful human _
 Rotten meat grind _ 
 stained human _ 
Rotten meat grind _ 
Sinful human _
From other natural gods punish _ 
Without forgiveness without help _ 
Sinful man, in front of his god like rotten meat _ 
And gods grind the meat was rotten _ 
I cursed my life gone astray _ 
Without goals and help _
 I am tormented in hell fire _ 
Without forgiveness and help ...


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